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A new law and software will allow Mississippi law enforcement to target Internet predators and those who traffic in child porn online.

The legislation, Senate Bill 2978, was signed by Governor Haley Barbour and could provide as much as a half-million dollars annually to State Attorney General Jim Hood's Cyber Crimes Center and newly established Cyber Crime Unit. This will allow Hood's team to arrest and prosecute those found guilty of downloading any form of Web child porn, with penalties of five years in prison for each image downloaded

Hood called a new software tool, Operation Fairplay, "astounding" and more precise than DNA testing. He said the system identifies and tracks Internet downloads of child pornographic materials.

According to the Clarksdale Press-Register, Mississippi and Florida currently are the only two states equipped with this new software and authorities are already tracking downloads and refining procedures.

"Our investigators are now able to target the worst offenders," he told the newspaper,

"We are able to go onto the computers of those who download large numbers of child pornographic pictures and look for pictures of unknown photographs of children in their home or those of neighbors that they may be abusing. The Fairplay technology allows us to actually rescue children from this environment."

"Every single day we are on the heels of a child predator," Hood said.

"In fact, right now, we have enough evidence to convict over 2,000 people in this state, but we need more help and resources,"

In a demonstration of the software, using Clarksdale as an example, red blocks on a screen showed computers that had downloaded child pornography during the past 30 days. Hood's new unit can trace the Internet protocol address and see exactly what illicit material was downloaded.

"When we arrest the perpetrator, we are not going to negotiate anything," he told the paper. "This office and those prosecutors are asking for five years in prison per download. This will not be negotiable. Saving a child from this type of living hell of abuse is the most rewarding work I do as Attorney General. It helps to heal all of the battle scars from this job."

The Operation Fairplay project was developed in association with the Center for Exploited and Missing Children.

Hood said his Cyber Crime Center will also conduct statewide investigations in Mississippi when a computer or computers are used for other criminal activities. But 75 percent of the cases involve the exploitation and sexual abuse of children.

The Clarion-Ledger cites disturbing statistics from the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, such as:

* One in five U.S. teenagers who regularly log on to the Internet say they have received an unwanted sexual solicitation via the Web.
* About 25 percent of children have been exposed to unwanted pornographic material online.
* Only a third of households with Internet access are actively protecting their children with filtering or blocking software.
* About 75 percent of children are willing to share personal information online about themselves and their family in exchange for goods and services.
* About 77 percent of the targets for online predators were age 14 or older. Another 22 percent were users ages 10 to 13.

Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection CEO Joan Irvine commends the state law enforcement move and the new software.

"Operations Fairplay sounds like it is a major breakthrough in helping identify the criminals that download child pornography," Irvine told "As long as the proper legal procedures are followed I believe this will be a great asset to law enforcement in saving children and identifying and prosecuting criminals who pose such a dire threat to children."

However hopeful, ASACP's Irvine is also realistic regarding the use of such a tracking and identification system.

"Since I don't know the details of the software, I would just err on the side of caution because we've seen other such efforts -- Operation Ore and Avalanche -- where it turned out the original access data was faulty, resulting in a number of false investigations which ruined lives and appeared to have caused a number of suicides," she said.

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Guest blogger Karrine Steffans: Most every woman has at least one thing about herself that drives her absolutely nuts. Maybe it's that back fat that snuck up on you after your last child was born or that regrettable hair cut and dye job that sent your tresses into permanent shock. Whatever it is, you can't seem to get a handle on it and all those seemingly flawless women on television and in magazines aren't helping your plight or your self-esteem.

Many times, when your self-esteem suffers, so does your sex life. A man can sense insecurity a mile away and, though your husband may try his best to help you realize just how beautiful and perfect you are, if you don't snap out of it, he'll begin to see what you see.

Insecurity is one of the most unattractive traits in a woman and no man, no matter how much he loves you, can make you love and appreciate yourself more. How you feel about yourself depends solely on what you do to improve the quality of your life.

For women on a budget, don't think that self-improvement has to cost you more that a little time and effort. If your issues are physical, you're in luck, because physical transformations are some of the easiest to perform. A simple girl's makeover night can do wonders. Drugstore products and a little bit of smart shopping at discount stores can make any woman feel brand new.

If your issues are psychological, that's okay too, because there are professionals out there trained to help. Between local free services and your insurance, you can afford to get the help you need. Point being, do whatever it takes to make yourself feel better; it'll help your marriage and help your husband feel better about you.

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When asked about their husband's not-so-secret porn collection or his occasional after work meeting at Mustang Sally's, the majority of women cringe with disgust and are dazed by their utter confusion about, and disappointment in, the male species. Infected with insecurities, most ask, "Why does he need that when he's got me?"

Simply stated, ladies, this isn't about you.

Not everything your mate does will be a direct reflection of how he views or doesn't view you. Even in a marriage, when your days of being single are far behind you and are hopefully never to be seen again, each one of you must remain a singular being, retaining and maintaining your own identity, sexually and otherwise.

Although your sexual preferences may differ from that of your other half, it is best to try to understand what he finds so alluring about other forms of pleasure and, if you're smart, you'll find a way to incorporate these forms into your home life. Instead of ostracizing him for simply being himself, accept who he is and what turns him on, then, make his fantasies come to life. After all, in relationships, we are not to love one another despite who we are, but because of it.

Now that we have an understanding, what's next? Behold, homemade porn and trips to Mustang Sally's!

The thought alone may be intimidating to the female laymen, albeit refreshing to your man, I'm sure. In part two of this series there will be tips to follow which will be crucial to the survival of your union if your man seeks outside erotic stimulus. So, pay attention ladies -- and whatever you do, don't knock it until you try it!

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Wedding night. Anniversaries. New Year's Eve. Valentine's Day. All very big nights. All expected to result in one thing: SEX. Everyone knows that you haaave to "do it" on your wedding night ... and it's only polite to commemorate your love by "making it" on your anniversary ... and you certainly have to go out with a "bang" on New Year's Eve ... And Valentine's Day? Well, screw the romance. You should just want to screw on V-Day. Period!

But the truth is, these big nights can often lead to high expectation and lots of disappointment on both ends, literally. So how do you take the obvious, robotic, must-do sex out of these nights and make it fun and spontaneous? Well, with Valentine's Day just a couple days away, we asked Karrine Steffans to weigh in. Karrine says, "There is no one special day for romance and there can be no spontaneity in a day earmarked for it. What Valentine's Day can be, however, is a reminder to make everyday the perfect day to show your mate how unconditionally you love them."

Karrine's Fab Five Ways to Make Valentine's Day Great (in and out of the sack!):

1. Find 100 Ways: Present your partner with a list of 100 things you absolutely love about him. It may seem like a lot, but once you get going, you'll realize just how easy it is to find 100 reasons why this guy is your guy.

2. At Your Service: Serving someone does not make you subservient. The gift of service is a testament to your love and devotion to one another. Do whatever he asks of you and allow yourself to be served, as well.

3. Be Still: If your lives are lived on the move, take this time to simply be. Between kids, jobs, family and friends, there is always so much to do and so many people to talk to! Block out the outside world (even your kids for a bit, if you can), and enjoy the silence with no pressure of doing anything at all!

4. We Are Family: Valentine's Day doesn't have to be all about you and your man; it can also be a day for you and your children. If you can't or won't have a sitter for the day, include your kids with cards, cookies, movies and games. Reiterate to them they're a huge part of your love for one another.

5. Freaks Come Out at Night: Whether you relaxed all day or spent it out and about, at the end of it all, you and your hubby will wind up in bed together. Nothing beats the tried and true bubble bath, music, champagne, strawberries, whipped cream and a kick-ass lingerie set! Set your inhibitions free and try something you never have before. Shock and amaze your lover, and don't wait a whole year to do it again!

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Late at night this guy runs into a pub and demands a glass of water from the landlord. The guy drinks it in one gulp then asks for a second glass. Six pints later, and he has recovered enough to speak. "Thanks," he croaks. "That's one hell of a thirst you've got," says the landlord.

The guy says: "Any man would be as bad if they'd just had sex with the woman in my car. She's insatiable. She wants me to go right back out there and do it all again, but I can't." "Where's your car?" the landlord asks. "At the roadside," the guy gasps.

"Tell you what," says the landlord, "you watch the bar for me while I nip out and take your place." "Be my guest," the guy says. So the landlord goes outside and gets in the car. It's totally dark, so the woman doesn't realize she's with a different man. And they get right down to it, humping away.

Five minutes later there's a knock on the window. It's a cop, and he shines his flashlight on the naked couple. "What's going on here?" he asks. "It's all right, officer," explains the landlord, "She's my wife." The officer replies apologetically, "Oh, sorry sir, I didn't realize."

Look at the woman the landlord says, "Neither did I till you switched on that damned light."

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It's no secret that we love the naked female form and cherish the opportunity to capture in photos every supple line and sensuous curve of a woman's body. With that goal in mind we present you with 18 incredibly sexy girls with minimal props and maximum beauty


Melissa Jean
Kristina Jarvis
Katie Harte
Joaquina Ann Lee
Beth Williams
Ashley Lowe
Petra So
Thea Coleman
Tiffany Schlumbrecht
Alison Knight
Kait Lane
Anne-Krystel Goyer
Angel Rose
Jillian Beyor
Karlee Rose
Kristin Dishner
Mia Alstadt
Nerissa Kamoy

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